You look at your competition and feel you could never compare. So why even try?
No Time
You can't even think about more clients because you're overwhelmed with how long everything takes.
You have clients but at the end of the day, it seems like this is just a hobby for all you're getting out of it.
I was the people-pleaser. I had a really hard time saying no. And I would take on things that left me frustrated to the point of tears just so others would be happy. In the meantime, my relationships suffered because I was prioritizing the happiness of my clients over that of my family.
And I was a pretty good procrastinator. I knew what I SHOULD do to grow my business. But I found myself endlessly scrolling for inspiration without realizing I was just self-sabotaging.
So when I finally got introduced to the mindset world, everything changed for me! I had a happier family. I was a happier person. And my business doubled in revenue! I realized all I needed was a few simple changes to improve absolutely everything. And so I decided to pass those on to others so they could learn from my mistakes!
Not as many late night editing sessions while your family and friends have fun without you!
Having not just time with family but being able to be mentally present with them and make lasting memories!
Learning to say no to things that don't align help you have more time to say yes to things that will bring in more income.
Getting to do what fills YOUR cup and allowing yourself to take time away without feeling guilty!
Knowing you have something amazing to offer and not being afraid to go after it!
You can always email me at [email protected] if you have questions about something specific in the content.
Is there a Facebook group or any live coaching?
This is only a mini course so I do not have either of those options. If you would like both of those, they are part of The Portrait Business Roadmap (of which this is the first module).
Yes! I have added a workbook in the first lesson so you can print it out and follow along!